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277 search results for: baby cook


What Babies Eat Around The World

When it comes to making baby food, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut: peas and chicken tonight, avocado and tuna tomorrow, turkey meatballs the next day, repeat. While you don’t have to ditch those tried and true favorites, you can add a bit of variety by taking culinary inspiration from these popular baby […]

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Avocado Cucumber Puree

What’s the best way to cool off on a hot day in the spring or summer? This velvety-smooth Avocado Cucumber puree will cool you and baby off and leave you feeling refreshed. Trust us on this one! The best part is that it can easily be adjusted and made a bit spicier for adults, or […]

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Tres Leches Mini Cakes

Our Multiportions are most commonly used for freezing purées, but did you know that our high grade silicon means they are perfect for baking? With all the cooking you do for for baby, here’s a little treat for you (though the rest of your family will probably want one, too).

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The Best Healthier Postpartum Snacks

The Best Postpartum Snacks You Can Make With Babycook While the Babycook is best known for its ability to make healthy purées and baby food, it’s actually as versatile as the beloved Instant Pot. It steams, blends, defrosts, reheats, and can even be used to make rice and pastas. If you’ve checked out our Mum […]

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Mixed Berry Overnight Oats

We’ve partnered with Rebecca Agi, MS, IBCLC who has created this recipe. Rebecca is a Los Angeles based Lactation Consultant. To learn more about her services you can visit her website and follow her on Instagram @BestMilkLA.

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Caramel Almond Butter Cups

We’ve got a guilt-free yet delicious recipe for all you moms and dads: this recipe was created by Beth Lipton for, but we’ve been given special permission to share it with Babycook users. Enjoy! Read more about Beth here and look for more of her delicious, health-conscious recipes on!

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New England-Style Meatloaf Muffins with Apple Glaze

This alternative to traditional meatloaf uses chicken for lean protein and cranberries for an anti-oxidant boost. It’s the perfect recipe for toddlers, but can also be a great appetizer for adults!

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