Do’s and Don’t of Buying Used Baby Gear

You’re about to have your little one and you want to be on top of your baby-prep game. Buying everything your baby needs (& maybe just some “wants”, too!) can add up QUICK. What’s the solution? Three words: Hand-me-downs! Here’s the run down on items that are do’s or don’ts to buy used.


  1. Car Seats – Hop in, we’re going go to Target! Essential for every parent who wants to take their little one on-the-go, car seats are one of the most imperative items to buy new. Because car seats are for safety, buying used is not your best bet. Though they’re a little pricy, you truly can’t put a price on your little one’s well-being! It’s also important to note that car seats expire six to nine years after their manufactured date. You can check recall statuses
  2. Cribs – MTV cribs? Just kidding, we’re talking a different, much smaller kind of crib. A crib is another item that constantly adapts to new and updated safety standards. Though some cribs have been deemed dangerous, they’re not necessarily stopped from being sold online by individuals. Structural wear and tear and missing pieces are also the risk you take by purchasing old cribs.
  3. Breast Pumps – Pump, pump pump it up! Breast pumpsshould never be bought used because moisture, along with milk can travel through tubes and eventually enter the pumps motor. Basically, it’s a recipe for disaster. Old milk (yuck!) could enter into the milk you’re pumping that could make your baby sick. Though you can rent a hospital grade pump that designed for more than one user, try looking into your health insuranceas many plans cover breastfeeding supplies! Woop woop!



  1. Baby Clothes – Is fashion your passion (well, for your little one at least!)?There’s nothing more fun than using your inner fashionista to dress your little one! Luckily, clothes never expire or have evolving safety standards! It’s also a smart idea, because your little one will grow & grow & grow (did we say grow?) throughout the first year.
  2. Toys – One thing is for sure, used toys are fair GAME (see what we did there?). Toys can be pricey, so it’s totally O-K to get them from friends, family, and swaps on Facebook. Just make sure you check the toy for chipped paint or loose pieces before your little one goes to town!
  3. Changing Tables – Changing tables are totally down to find new homes and new babies to hold! They come in many shapes, sizes, and can be repurposed later down the road (need a dresser? check!). The most important thing to be conscious of is that the changing table has features that prevent your little one from rolling off. The American Academy of Pediatricsrecommends having a 2-inch high guardrail around the perimeter.

It’s important to note that things such as high chairs, strollers, and bathtubsare all in grey areas. As a general rule of thumb, if it’s made within the last year or up to date with the current safety standards, it’s okay to go the secondhand route. Be wary of broken or loose parts, product recalls, and mold or mildew before you purchase these items. If you are unsure, it’s better to just give it a pass.

We hope you learned a thing or two about a thing or two! Now, you can shop till you drop (without the worry!). Happy shopping!

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